
GET gtfs

Retrieve information for the active schedule.

GET gtfs/all

Retrieve a list with information for any existing schedule: current, past and future.

GET gtfs/current

Download the GTFS static file for the active schedule.

GET gtfs/download

Download the GTFS static file for the active schedule.

GET gtfs/next

Download the GTFS file for the next active schedule, when available.

GET gtfs/{bookingId}

Download the GTFS file for the given booking ID.


GET routes/{booking}

Retrieve all of AC Transit's routes.

GET route/{routeName}/{booking}

Retrieve information for a specific route.

GET route/{routeName}/trips?direction={direction}&scheduleType={scheduleType}

Retrieve a list of all trips that travel along the specified route (optionally filtered by direction).

GET route/{routeName}/tripsinstructions?direction={direction}&scheduleType={scheduleType}

Retrieve a list of all trips that travel along the specified route with travel instructions (optionally filtered by direction).

GET route/{routeName}/directions

Retrieve a list of all directions that the current route travels.

GET route/{routeName}/stops/{booking}?direction={direction}&destination={destination}

Retrieve all of AC Transit's currently active stops for a given Route.

GET route/{routeName}/trip/{tripId}/pattern

Retrieve a list of Time Points describing the path the vehicle will travel.

GET route/{routeName}/trip/{tripId}/stops

Retrieve a list of bus stops for the specified trip.

GET route/{routeName}/vehicles

Retrieve a list of all vehicles currently servicing the specified route.

GET route/{routeName}/tripestimate?fromStopId={fromStopId}&toStopId={toStopId}

Retrieve a list of all future estimates for the given stop IDs. NOTE: Origin and Destination stops must belong to the same route, and in the proper sequence or an error response will be sent.

GET route/{routes}/waypoints

Retrieve a list of all waypoints currently servicing the specified route.

GET route/{routes}/waypointsfast

Retrieve a list of all waypoints currently servicing the specified route (optimized for speed).

GET route/{routes}/tripstoday?direction={direction}

Retrieve a list of all trips that travel along one or more routes today.

GET route/{routes}/tripstops?direction={direction}

Retrieve a list of all stops and trips which travel along one or more routes today.

GET route/{routes}/timetable/{direction}?dayCode={dayCode}&hasAllStops={hasAllStops}

Retrieve the timetable for a given route

GET route/{routes}/schedule/{booking}?direction={direction}&destination={destination}&dayCode={dayCode}&hasAllStops={hasAllStops}&stopId={stopId}

Retrieve stops and schedules for a given route.

GET route/{routeName}/destinations

Retrieve a list of all destinations that the current route travels.

GET route/{routes}/exceptions/{booking}

Retrieve a list with all service exceptions for the given route(s).

GET route/{routes}/profile

Provide information for the selected route profiles.


GET trips/canceled?lastIncidentUniqueId={lastIncidentUniqueId}&lastOpenDateTime={lastOpenDateTime}&tripDateTimeFrom={tripDateTimeFrom}&tripDateTimeTo={tripDateTimeTo}

Return all revenue trip exceptions for the given parameters.

GET trips/tripcancellationinfo/{tripNumber}

Return cancelation details for the given trip number.


GET gtfsrt/tripupdates

Retrieve a Trip Update GTFS-Realtime feed serialized in Protocol Buffer format.

GET gtfsrt/alerts

Retrieve a Service Alert GTFS-Realtime feed serialized in Protocol Buffer format.

GET gtfsrt/vehicles

Retrieve a Vehicle Position GTFS-Realtime feed serialized in Protocol Buffer format.


Retrieve real time information about detours, predictions, service bulletins and vehicles

GET actrealtime/detour?rt={rt}&rtdir={rtdir}&callback={callback}

Use the getdetours request to retrieve a list of active detours in the system. Detours are considered “active” if they are currently affecting the current service day, even if the start time has not yet been reached or the end time has already passed. If a detour is canceled or expired, it will still appear in this result.This is to handle cases where a vehicle is still running a canceled or expired detour and the developer wishes to alert users that the detour is technically still in effect. If the client application is to support detours, it is recommended that detours are requested frequently in case a new version is added or a detour is canceled.If a current detour or new version is added(or removed), the client should consider requesting new stop and pattern data for the given route/direction combination in case data has been changed by the detour.

GET actrealtime/direction?rt={rt}&callback={callback}

Retrieve the set of directions serviced by the specified route

GET actrealtime/line?callback={callback}

Use this method to retrieve the set of routes serviced by the system.

GET actrealtime/locale?callback={callback}

Use the getlocalelist to get a list of what languages can be used as the locale parameter. It can be called a second time with a locale parameter that matches one of the previously returned localestrings to see the human-readable language names in that given language. Note: The locale parameter in all requests is meant to match values in this list, but it does support the inheritance model of Java Locale.If the given language is not supported then the default language of the Transit Authority is used.No indication of which language used is given in the response, so it is best to use a locale string out of the list returned by getlocalelist.

GET actrealtime/pattern?pid={pid}&rt={rt}&callback={callback}

Use the getpatterns request to retrieve the set of geo-positional points and stops that when connected can be used to construct the geo-positional layout of a pattern (i.e., route variation). Use pid to specify one or more identifiers of patterns whose points are to be returned. A maximum of 10 patterns can be specified. Use rt to specify a route identifier where all active patterns are returned. The set of active patterns returned includes: one or more patterns marked as “default” patterns for the specified route and all patterns that are currently being executed by at least one vehicle on the specified route. Note: The pid and rt parameters cannot be combined in one request. If both parameters are specified on a request

GET actrealtime/prediction?stpid={stpid}&rt={rt}&vid={vid}&top={top}&tmres={tmres}&callback={callback}&showocprd={showocprd}

Use the getpredictions request to retrieve predictions for one or more stops or one or more vehicles. Predictions are always returned in ascending order according to prdtm. Use the vid parameter to retrieve predictions for one or more vehicles currently being tracked. A maximum of 10 vehicles can be specified. Use the stpid parameter to retrieve predictions for one or more stops. A maximum of 10 stops can be specified. Note: The vid and stpid parameters cannot be combined in one request. If both parameters are specified on a request to getpredictions, only the first parameter specified on the request will be processed. Calls to getpredictions without specifying the vid or stpid parameters are not allowed. Use the top parameter to specify the maximum number of predictions to return. If top is not specified, then all predictions matching the specified parameters will be returned nBus only appears if the Transit Authority has the service gap feature enabled. If nBus would have a value less than the configured minimum gap of time (default 120 minutes), the element is empty. If nBus is “-1”, then this prediction is the last bus of the day for this route.

GET actrealtime/time?unixTime={unixTime}&callback={callback}

Use this to retrieve the current system date and time. Since BusTime® is a time dependent system, it is important to synchronize your application with BusTime’s system date and time. This call is unchanged from v1. A JSON response requires v2 or higher

GET actrealtime/servicebulletin?rt={rt}&rtdir={rtdir}&stpid={stpid}&callback={callback}

Use this for a list of service bulletins that are in effect for a route(s) (rt), route and direction (rt and rtdir), route and direction and stop (rt and rtdir and stpid), or stop(s)(stpid). Note: At a minimum, the rt or stpid parameter must be specified.

GET actrealtime/stop?rt={rt}&dir={dir}&stpid={stpid}&callback={callback}

Use this method to retrieve the set of stops for the specified route and direction. A request must provide either a rt and dir or up to 10 stpids, but not both. Stop lists are only available for a valid route/direction pair. In other words, a list of all stops that service a particular route(regardless of direction) cannot be requested.

GET actrealtime/allstops?rt={rt}&limitFields={limitFields}&callback={callback}

Use this method to retrieve the set of stops for the specified route.

GET actrealtime/vehicle?vid={vid}&rt={rt}&tmres={tmres}&callback={callback}

Use this method to retrieve vehicle information (i.e., locations) of all or a subset of vehicles currently being tracked.


GET vehicle/{vehicleId}

Retrieve data for an individual vehicle. Realtime data will only be supplied if the vehicle is currently servicing a route.

GET vehicle/characteristics?vehicleId={vehicleId}

Retrieve known characteristics for an active vehicle, a list of active vehicles or all active vehicles.

GET vehicle/{vehicleId}/characteristics

Retrieve known characteristics for an active vehicle, a list of active vehicles or all active vehicles.

GET vehicle/realtimeattributes?vehicleId={vehicleId}&routename={routename}

Retrieve a list of realtime attributes for a vehicle or a list of vehicles currently in operation. Use this method when retrieving information for all the vehicles or just a few.

GET vehicle/{vehicleId}/realtimeattributes?routename={routename}

Retrieve a list of realtime attributes for a vehicle or a list of vehicles currently in operation. Use this method when retrieving information for all the vehicles or just a few.

GET vehicle/route/{routename}/realtimeattributes?vehicleId={vehicleId}

Retrieve a list of realtime attributes for a vehicle or a list of vehicles currently in operation. Use this method when retrieving information for all the vehicles or just a few.

POST vehicle/realtimeattributes

Retrieve realtime attributes for a vehicle or a list of vehicles currently in operation. Use this method when retrieving information for a large list of vehicles.


GET stops

Retrieve all of AC Transit's currently active stops.

GET stops/summary

Retrieve a summary of AC Transit's currently active stops.

GET stops/{latitude}/{longitude}/{distance}/{active}/{routeName}

Retrieve all stops within a certain radius (in feet) of the given point. The default search radius is 500 feet.

GET stops/{latitude}/{longitude}?distance={distance}&active={active}&routeName={routeName}

Retrieve all stops within a certain radius (in feet) of the given point. The default search radius is 500 feet.

GET stops/{stopId}/predictions

Retrieve vehicle predictions for a particular stop.

GET stops/{stopId}/routes?callback={callback}

Retrieve vehicle predictions for a particular stop.

GET stops/{stopId}/tripstoday?routes={routes}&direction={direction}

Retrieve a list of all trips that travel to given stop today.

GET stop/{stopId}/destinations

Retrieve a list of all routes and destinations for a given stop.

GET stop/{stopId}/profile

Retrieve information for a given stop.